Friday, November 17, 2006

How to Motivate Theory X and Y People

How do you motivate Theory X and Y People?

Theory X
• Manager tries to motivate through fear
• Employees must be rewarded, coerced, intimidated and punished
• Constant supervision
• Maintain tight control over employees
• Make decisions and provide directions for employees

Theory Y
• To provide opportunities for self-development of employees
• Maximize intellectual potential of employees
• Accept creative and innovative ideas provided by employees to solve organizational problems.

In Reality...
Punishment produces negative rather than positive results increased the discontentment amongst employees

Cash is NOT the top most motivating factor.
Top 2 factors
1) approval, praise, and recognition
2) trust, respect and high expectations

On the other hand, Persuasion and Power of Influence is more powerful than coercion.

You may want to read: Principle of Influence